Tuesday, January 14, 2020 - 11:00pm

North Dakota Education Leaders:

The ND Department of Career and Technical Education will be hosting a number of Zoom virtual workshops, to provide guidance for the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA). The CLNA is required by the Strengthening Career and Technical Education in the 21st Century Act or Perkins V, the federal law that provides funding for secondary and post-secondary Career and Technical Education programs in all 50 states and territories.

Please review the various options that can be found below. Attendees will need to register to participate. Simply click on the appropriate link to register.  All times are Central Time.

January 22 – 9am Central - https://zoom.us/j/591402269?pwd=eng0NEQwTUpMZXROTGdOTzY1OUlhZz09  

January 30 – 2pm Central - https://zoom.us/j/379852491?pwd=blYvSEwrbVBBWG42aTdOWnIvQzFKQT09

February 5 – 1pm Central - https://zoom.us/j/122542559?pwd=RFNOUFE5bmVGVFJ2RU9JcktVcEo5UT09

February 11 – 2pm Central - https://zoom.us/j/922999286?pwd=UnlkbVdCbDRSOXRCQ0VQTDNqRitKUT09

February 21 – 9am Central - https://zoom.us/j/667471349?pwd=SlhQb1YreDNqTmZ4bWkveWNDK3ZzQT09

Additional sessions will be held as needed.