Friday, May 29, 2020

After much deliberation, the ND Department of Career and Technical Education has elected to hold the August 2020 CTE Professional Development Conference (PDC) as a virtual conference.

This will be an abbreviated conference, which will include a welcome message and potentially a virtual awards ceremony. We are still working on those details.

The majority of PDC will be program specific, with the program supervisors working directly with their instructors, counselors, and administrators on how that will be held. This may be done virtually over a series of events, one longer virtual session, or if possible, face-to-face while adhering to CDC and NDDOH guidelines.

The program supervisors will work with Assistant Director Mark Wagner and me on content. The program supervisors will work with the specific program areas on how and if continuing education credits will be awarded through this virtual PDC.

Thank you for your patience while this decision was made. More details will be forthcoming as planning continues.

Wayde Sick

State Director

Career and Technical Education